USD/SEK Exchange Rate - FXStreet


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SEK exchange rate. Use our currency converter below to download historical exchange rates between US Dollar and Swedish Krona. Easy and free access to historical FX rates  Detail page of the symbol 'USD/SEK Spot' with master data, quote data, latest chart, news and sector comparison. Type: Currency. Issue type: -. Trading  CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to US Dollar vs Swedish Krona (USDSEK) Start trading USDSEK. For example, 1000 EUR transfer to USD can cost you as little as 4 EUR with Wise (formerly TransferWise), compared to 28 EUR with a bank.

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The quotes chart of USDSEK (USDSEK) currency pair in real time is presented below. The Swedish krona (ISO code: SEK), is the official currency of Sweden. The Swedish krona was first introduced in Sweden in 1873. According to the BIS, the Swedish krona is the 11th most heavily traded currency. The world's 22nd largest economy, Sweden has a nominal GDP of 492.618 million USD, with exports of $140 billion USD. USDSEK Currency Chart The Swedish krona is not a major currency in this pair, while the USD certainly is. The krona is required by treaty to be replaced by the EUR at one point.

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2020-06-07 The previous SELL signal was issued on 06.04.2021, 3 days ago, when the currency rate was 8.6850. Since then USDSEK has fallen by -1.70%. Type currency names, 3-letter ISO currency symbols, or country names to select your currency.

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Albansk Leke (ALL), Algerisk Dinar (DZD)  Most Popular USDSEK (US Dollar to Swedish Krona) conversions. No, US Dollar (USD) Convert 5546 US Dollar (USD) to major currencies. 5546 USD = 7,489  Below, you'll find South Korean Won rates and a currency converter.

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The Swedish krona is not a major currency in this pair, while the USD certainly is. The krona is required by treaty to be replaced by the  USD/SEK live exchange rate, Charts, Forecasts, News and Macro Data.

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JPY is often used as a funding currency of a trade because it's historically a low  Cad drum mics price Realtid usd sek chart. USD/SEK - Live Rate, Forecast, News and Analysis Dollar To Sek – Currency Exchange Rates - I föregående analys (USD/SEK har nått försvarszon) belystes detta 40 US Dollar to Swedish Krona, 40 USD to SEK Currency Converter.

Trading  CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to US Dollar vs Swedish Krona (USDSEK) Start trading USDSEK. For example, 1000 EUR transfer to USD can cost you as little as 4 EUR with Wise (formerly TransferWise), compared to 28 EUR with a bank. Send Money Receive   USD/SEK (United States dollar/Swedish krona) Dec 2017 (12.2017) exchange rate history. Dec 31. 8.22.