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PODCAST « » Rock Dudes #98 - Erik Mårtensson Eclipse - Swe
För att råda lite bot på detta gjorde Eclipse nyligen en streamad konsert. Eclipse släppte sitt första album redan 2001 men Erik räknar albumsläppet "Are you ready to rock" från 2008 som starten på det riktiga Eclipse. Erik Mårtensson är förmodligen en av Moras bäst dolda hemligheter. bildade bandet Eclipse, som fick kontrakt med ett engelskt skivbolag. Och så har vi förstås Erik Mårtensson, herr Eclipse i egen hög person, som åter förstärker inlägget ”lysande frontman” i det personliga cv:t.
Erik Mårtensson then wrote most of the song material for the side project WET which consisted of members from Work of Art (W), Eclipse (E) and Talisman (T). Their self-titled debut was released in 2009 and became famous in the genre of melodic hard rock and the AOR radio format. by Justin Gaines – Senior Columnist/News Editor — Originally released in 2008, Are You Ready to Rock was the third album from Swedish melodic rockers Eclipse. In recent years Eclipse, which features singer/guitarist Erik Martensson (also with W.E.T.) – has become one of the brightest stars in the melodic rock scene, but in 2008 the band was on the verge of calling it quits. interview with eclipse singer, and ammunition and nordic union guitarist, erik mÅrtensson date: october 28, 2016 interviewer: olivier erik mÅrtensson is one busy guy. producer, guitarist, singer — mÅrtensson can do them all and as can be heard on the latest albums from eclipse, ammunition and nordic union, he is very proficient at whatever he t In a new interview with Music Radar, Swedish guitarist/vocalist/producer Erik Martensson (ECLIPSE, NORDIC UNION, W.E.T., AMMUNITION) discussed how he's managed to stay so prolific in recent years.
Erik Mårtensson -
Svenska Eclipse har gått från klarhet till klarhet, och nådde ut i folkhemmet när de 2016 var med i Melodifestivalen med rockdängan "Runaways". Bandet som leds av Erik Mårtensson går ibräschen för det nya svenska rocksoundet som är modernt och skarpt, men samtidigt hämtar inspiration från klassi Interview with Erik Mårtensson (Eclipse, W.E.T, Ammunition and Nordic Union) by Alexandra Mrozowska— Senior Columnist — Live albums have a special place in each band’s discography – more of a complementation than just an addition to a string of studio EPs and full-length albums. Med sin melodiösa hårdrock välkomnar vi ECLIPSE till HojRock 2020. Erik Mårtensson, Magnus Henriksson, Philip Crusner och Victor Crusner spelar modern och respektfull hårdrock med siktet inställt på framtid och rock & roll.
Eclipse Viva La Victouria on WOW HD SE
producer, guitarist, singer — mÅrtensson can do them all and as can be heard on the latest albums from eclipse, ammunition and nordic union, he is very proficient at whatever he t Explore releases from Erik Mårtensson at Discogs. Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from Erik Mårtensson at the Discogs Marketplace. INTERVIEW: Eric Mårtensson – Eclipse November 20, 2020 Mark Diggins Eclipse has to be one of the finest Hard Rock bands around at the moment but like everyone out there they are sidelined from playing live shows and everything booked for 2020 has now been pushed back to 2021. Erik Martensson is the long-time vocalist/rhythm guitarist for the Swedish hard rock band Eclipse.
Erik Mårtensson är förmodligen en av Moras bäst dolda hemligheter. bildade bandet Eclipse, som fick kontrakt med ett engelskt skivbolag.
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The three core members of W.E.T. — Soto, guitarist/songwriter/producer Erik Martensson (ECLIPSE, NORDIC UNION) and keyboardist/guitarist Robert Säll (WORK OF ART) — first joined forces in Eclipse returns with a new album, “Paradigm”, and this title is no coincidence. The new album stands as a paradigm for the sound they’ve developed over their last few albums: massive arena choruses over heavy guitars, coupled with frontman Erik Martensson's stellar vocals. Guitarist Erik Martensson once aspired to have a career in motocross. But after being involved in a crash and during his subsequent recovery, he began focusing his time on guitar and soon discovered his true calling.
11 Dec 2020 213Rock Podcast Harrag Melodica 11 12 2020 Interview with Erik Martensson Eclipse 1st Live album Viva la VictouRia CD1 : 01.
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Erik Martensson. 3,352 likes · 8 talking about this. I'm a songwriter, producer, mixer, musician human being living in Sweden. Tidigare i vår släppte det svenska melodiösa hårdrockbandet ECLIPSE sitt sjätte album ”Monumentum”. Metalcentrals Henrik Halvardsson fick ett snack med sångaren Erik Mårtensson om arbetet kring plattan. Eclipse - Runaways (Erik Mårtensson) Molly Sandén - Youniverse (Molly Sandén/Danny Saucedo/John Alexis) Melodifestivalen 2016 leds av Gina Dirawi med en rad olika profiler bredvid sig i Some of Mårtensson's previous songs with ECLIPSE — most memorably, 2012's "Battlegrounds" — hinted at the direction that "Paradigm" sees the group embrace with gusto. While still bursting at the seams with massive hooks, the new album finds ECLIPSE showing off more of an Irish/ Gary Moore influence than ever before, with lilting melodies that simply have no modern peer.
Eclipse musikgrupp – Wikipedia
Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from Erik Mårtensson at the Discogs Marketplace. INTERVIEW: Eric Mårtensson – Eclipse November 20, 2020 Mark Diggins Eclipse has to be one of the finest Hard Rock bands around at the moment but like everyone out there they are sidelined from playing live shows and everything booked for 2020 has now been pushed back to 2021. Erik Martensson is the long-time vocalist/rhythm guitarist for the Swedish hard rock band Eclipse. He’s also widely known for his side projects W.E.T with singer Jeff Scott Soto, and the project Nordic Union with Pretty Maids vocalist Ronnie Atkins. In March 2019 ECLIPSE main songwriter Erik Martensson was voted one of the top 10 songwriters in the world by renowned Japanese metal magazine BURRN! In the years following the release of the 2012 album Bleed & Scream, ECLIPSE has become one of Sweden’s most prolific heavy rock bands.
January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 September 2020 August 2020 July 2020 Eclipse began in 1999 as the brainchild of Erik Martensson and Magnus Henriksson and are a strong part of the exploding Swedish hard rock scene.Martensson handles guitar and the lead vocals, Magnus Henriksson the lead guitar, Robban Back the drums and Magnus Ulfstedt takes care of the bass. Interestingly Ulfstedt was originally the drummer appearing on the first two album releases, 2001’s Eclipse.