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Still have to perfect the little details but I feel like it's almost done and ready for Got a Core Hound Tooth on my Rogue! Our DKP item values for Molten Core drops from The Shattered Star's World of Cauterizing Band - 30.00; Core Forged Greaves - 20.00; Core Hound Tooth -  Core Hound Tooth. Core Hound Tooth Jæja, fyrst þessi mynd af Drillborer sló svona í gegn, þá er ég hér með mynd af gamla lúkkinu á Core Hound Tooth. 18805. Submitted by mogadmin on Tue, 03/06/2018 - 04:51.

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0 0 0 0. Home · Items · Items - Core Hound Tooth. Purchase History for Core Hound Tooth. icon. Core Hound Tooth Item Level 70.

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One-hand: Dagger; 57 - 107 Damage: Speed 1.60 (51.3 damage per second) +9 Stamina Durability 75 / 75 Item level 70 Requires Core Hound Tooth. Core Hound Tooth Binds when picked up Unique.

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His Energy mechanic (in Classic, Rogue gains 20 Energy every 2 seconds) allows him to keep up his DPS even in the longest of encounters, making Sustain not an … /equipslot 17 Core Hound Tooth RAW Paste Data **SHIELD ON** /equipslot 16 Perdition's Blade /equipslot 17 Drillborer Disk /cast Defensive Stance /cast Shield Block **DUAL WIELD** /equipslot 16 Perdition's Blade /equipslot 17 Core Hound Tooth Core Hound Tooth. Core Hound Tooth Binds when picked up. One-hand: Dagger; 57 - 107 Damage: Speed 1.60 (51.3 damage per second) +9 Stamina Durability 75 / 75 Item level 70 Requires Level 60: Equip: Increases your critical strike rating by 14. Equip: Increases attack power by 20. Related. Contribute Core Hound Tooth.

Unique-Equipped. One-Hand Dagger. 11 - 20 Damage Speed 1.80(8.82 damage per second). +8 Agility. +6 Stamina.
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Core hound tooth

8668433 toothed. 8669 tony. Carcharhiniformes Triakidae (Houndsharks). Mustelus canis (N), + · + · + Pleuronectiformes Paralichthyidae (Large-tooth flounders). Ancylopsetta cycloidea (N)  Titta och ladda ner core hound tooth gratis, core hound tooth titta på online.

Our DKP item values for Molten Core drops from The Shattered Star's World of Cauterizing Band - 30.00; Core Forged Greaves - 20.00; Core Hound Tooth -  Core Hound Tooth. Core Hound Tooth Jæja, fyrst þessi mynd af Drillborer sló svona í gegn, þá er ég hér með mynd af gamla lúkkinu á Core Hound Tooth. 18805.
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Sell Price: 7 36 60. Dropped by: Flamewaker Healer.

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It can be received as a drop from 2 different NPCs. Sell Price: 10 92 75 Core Hound Tooth is a one-handed dagger with a bonus to getting a critical strike and stamina. It is well used as an off-hand dagger.

Claw + Core Hound Tooth = 1274.14 dps; Claw + Ancient Qiraji Ripper = 1273.13 dps; Claw + Dragonfang Blade = 1272.54 dps; Claw + Ravencrest’s Legacy = 1271.94 dps; Claw + Fang of the Faceless = 1271.03 dps; Claw + BB = 1269.38 dps; Claw + Maladath = 1268.20 dps; Claw + Emerald Dragonfang = 1267.64 dps; Claw + Warblade of the Hakkari = 1265.35 dps Weapon - Dagger; At the start of your turn, put a +1 ATK counter on Core Hound Tooth. When your hero deals combat damage with Core Hound Tooth, remove all +1 ATK counters from Core Hound Tooth. Core Hound Tooth is a one-handed dagger with a bonus to getting a critical strike and stamina. It is well used as an off-hand dagger.