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Getinge 733HC-E Series Sterilizers have been validated to AAMI ST8 with an upper limit of 25 pounds per tray. The result is that the per cycle productivity of Getinge 733HC-E Series Sterilizers The Getinge 833LS Steam Sterilizer is optimized for laboratory/research, animal care, pharmaceutical, and biohazard decontamination; offering up to 19 cycles for varied sterilization applications including instruments, utensils, glassware, bedding, cages, waste, and liquids in open or vented containers. GEE Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers provide low temperature sterilization wh Getinge Sterilization AB at Ekebergsvägen 26, 310 44 Getinge, Sweden. Find their customers, contact information, and details on 544 shipments.

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Getinge is dedicated to providing bio-containment sterilizer systems that minimize risks associated with existing bio-safety facilities, while establishing a new benchmark of sterilization and containment for laboratories that have yet to be built. Getinge GEB Steam Sterilizers offers: Getinge: Manufacturer: Getinge: Country of Origin: Unknown: Application: Sterilization Chemical Integrator Strip: Class: Class 5: Indicator Change: Color Bar: Length: 2 Inch: Sterilization Compatibility: Steam: Temperature Range: 250°F to 272°F (121°C to 133°C) Time To Results: All Processing Times: UNSPSC Code: 42281800 Getinge develops, manufactures and supplies completely integrated washing and sterilization systems for use within the life sciences. GEV/GEC sterilization kills the toughest microbes but is gentle enough to protect the integrity of components, products and packaging. A wide range of sterilization cycles increases their application versatility. Getinge is constantly working to reduce the environmental impact of our steam sterilizers, without sacrificing quality, reliability or cycle times. Getinge 733HC-E Series Sterilizers have been validated to AAMI ST8 with an upper limit of 25 pounds per tray.

SQE till Getinge Sterilization AB - Branschstegen

Vägbeskrivning Visa större karta Sodexo AB - Getinge Sterilization har 409 andra verksamheter i Sverige. Det som ligger närmast Getinges kontoret är Sodexo AB - Platskontor i Borås. Getinge and TSO3 ends exclusive distribution agreement on low temperature sterilization.

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Cost-efficient sterilization with Getinge's new steam sterilizer

293 st. Omsättning. 726 877 tkr. Resultat. 3 397 tkr.

Det som ligger närmast Getinges kontoret är Sodexo AB - Platskontor i Borås. Getinge and TSO3 ends exclusive distribution agreement on low temperature sterilization. Regulatory | 01-08-2018. Getinge and TSO3 have mutually decided not to renew the exclusive distribution agreement between the two companies, which was initiated in 2015. The agreement ends on August 1, 2018.

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Nyckeltal. Kreditupplysning. Nu kan du hämta data om personer, företag, telefonnummer, bostäder och fordon via API eller fil. Getinge Sterilization Aktiebolag - Org.nummer: 5560312687. Vid senaste bokslut 2019 hade företaget en omsättningsförändring på -10,0%.

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Metallfacket på Getinge stenlization har annan bild än - NET

Nyckeltal. Kreditupplysning. Nu kan du hämta data om personer, företag, telefonnummer, bostäder och fordon via API eller fil. Getinge Sterilization Aktiebolag - Org.nummer: 5560312687. Vid senaste bokslut 2019 hade företaget en omsättningsförändring på -10,0%. Bolagets VD är Lars Niklas Jonasson 50 år.

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Getinge can help your ambulatory surgery center deliver the best care with solutions for space design and execution, scheduling and workflows, plus financing that works within your facility’s budget.

Getinge Sterilization Aktiebolag. F-skatt. Ja, registrerad för F-skatt. Org. nummer. 556031-2687. Datum för upprättande. På fredagen gästade rikspolitikern Jennie Nilsson (S), ordförande i riksdagens näringsutskott, Getinge Sterilization.