0x5C: Basic FLOSS Concepts: Licensing 101 - Free as in
Denna översättning är gjord av Anders Warnqvist, copyright© 2010
Eclipse OpenJ9 is licensed under Several licenses. Usage FAQ. Classpath Exception for the Presenters. Aug 13, 2019. The presenters for iOS as well as Android are (even more) free now!Since version 1.6 we are changing the license of the presenters to GPLv2 with Classpath Exception - e.g. the same license the Java core libraries are using. Next by Date: Re: debian/copyright: GPL-2+ with classpath exception Previous by thread: RE: Lintian false positive Next by thread: Re: debian/copyright: GPL-2+ with classpath exception GNU General Public License(GNU GPLもしくは単にGPLとも)とは、GNUプロジェクトのためにリチャード・ストールマンにより作成されたフリーソフトウェアライセンスである。 Name Email Dev Id Roles Organization; Rajiv Mordani: mode: lead: Oracle, Inc. JavaMail License. JavaMail uses several licenses: Most of the JavaMail source code is licensed under the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) v1.1 and GNU General Public License (GPL) v2 with Classpath Exception; see the license information at the top of each source file.
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In OpenJDK 11, the last category seems to consist of a large number of "test" classes that are not included in an OpenJDK distro anyway, and internal classes that you shouldn't (and probably can't) link to in an application. Versata’s defense regarding the GPLv2 violation was that it relied on what is known as the “classpath exception” to the GPL. While an exception to the GPL is certainly possible, only the owner of that software can authorize the exception. XimpleWare had never okayed an exception to the GPL beyond the proprietary licensing they offered. The LGPL and GPL + the Classpath exception share the property that if you link code under these terms into your program, the resulting derivative work does not have to be made available as free software. Instead you can copy and distribute the resulting binary executable under terms of your choice. The GNU Lesser General Public License. While version 2.1 of the LGPL was a standalone licence, the current LGPL version 3 is based on a reference to the GPL..
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The GNU Classpath project provides an example of the use of such a GPL linking exception. The GNU Classpath library uses the following license: Classpath is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License with the following clarification and special exception. Se hela listan på resources.whitesourcesoftware.com Adding the Classpath Exception clause eliminates the legal questions and avoids any (serious) potential court case.
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You may not distribute these libraries in compiled DLL form with the program. To prevent unscrupulous distributors from trying to use the System Library exception as a loophole, the GPL says that libraries can only qualify as System Libraries as long as they're not distributed with the program itself. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. JavaMail CDDL and GPLv2 with Classpath Exception COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSE (CDDL) Version 1.0 The GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2, June 1991 CLASSPATH EXCEPTION TO THE GPL VERSION 2 COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSE the Classpath Exception to the necessary parts of its GPLv2 code, which: permits you to use that code in combination with other independent: modules not licensed under the GPLv2. However, note that this would: not permit you to commingle code under an incompatible license with: Oracle's GPLv2 licensed code by, for example, cutting and pasting such: code into a file also containing Oracle's GPLv2 licensed code and then I have come to realise that the JAXB API s released under a dual license specifying a Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) v1.1 / GPLv2 + classpath exception dual license. Now I am a bit confused.
Jmyspell 2.1.4 (LGPL License) JAXB 2.1.7 (GPLv2 + classpath exception) och du ser ord som "Error", "Warning", "Exception" eller "died unexpectedly",
Fast, Timothy Wall med flera (LGPL License)\n Swing-Layout 1.0.2 (LGPL License)\n Jmyspell 2.1.4 (LGPL License) \n JAXB (GPLv2 + classpath exception). under GNU LGPL v2.1 © FFmpeg licensieras under GNU LGPL v2.1 © AdoptOpenJDK licensieras under GPL v2 med Classpath Exception (GPLv2+CE).
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Alexey Baturo, Michael Knysnek, Martin Maas: OpenJDK/OpenJ9 (Java Virtual Machine) Upstream: Eclipse Public License 2.0 (EPLv2) with ClassPath Exception & Apache 2 OpenJDK code itself is licensed under GPL v2 with Classpath Exception (GPLv2+CE). Eclipse OpenJ9 is licensed under Several licenses. Usage FAQ. Classpath Exception for the Presenters. Aug 13, 2019. The presenters for iOS as well as Android are (even more) free now!Since version 1.6 we are changing the license of the presenters to GPLv2 with Classpath Exception - e.g.
(39:31)Bradley made a crudedrawing of the spectrum of licenses.
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the following clarification and special exception to the GPL Version 2, but: only where Sun has expressly included in the particular source file's: header the words < br /> "Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided by Sun in the License file that accompanied this code." p > < p > 2018-04-02 · Classpath is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License with the following clarification and special exception. Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on this library.
0x5C: Basic FLOSS Concepts: Licensing 101 - Free as in
What are the possibilities to not break the license requirements regarding the classpath exception?
Adding GPLv2 with Classpath exception to NetBeans will keep product portfolios and bundles consistent.