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And nothing surprised them more than people who didn’t. Like Americans. Essentially, smart people are used to being smart people, so they assume they’re right, because usually they are, even when they aren’t, right that is. Wow, that’d make more sense if I was one of those smart people, but if I were, it’d be wrong apparently. Thank you, brain. It seems to boil down to something called the bias blind spot.
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There’s no pro scene ranked means nothing. The only people left are sjws children and triggered millennials. There are a few normal people sprinkled in but maybe like one in 20. I mean look at this idiot above me. He might be all three. People's General uses an updated version of the graphics engine in Panzer General II, and the controls are similar.
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2008-06-04 · City-Data Forum > General Forums > Politics and Other Controversies Most people in general are idiots few are intellectuals. (crime, stereotypes, politician) People Are Idiots Compilation - YouTube. People Are Idiots Compilation. Watch later.
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121. I cannot help but wish that they could also be read by those useful idiots back Brigadier General Nasr al-Ali Since April 2012 manager of the Deraa site of Trade Markets Copy People Invest in CopyPortfolios AMJADUR lol the only coin thats telling the general public to handle their shit. every other coin is thrir price.
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(crime, stereotypes, politician)
People Are Idiots Compilation - YouTube. People Are Idiots Compilation. Watch later.
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"Är du helt inkompetent eller bara en idiot?” Affärsvärlden
"This language school is administered by a bunch of idiots in Bogota who doesn't have a clue of what's going on Surrounded by Idiots: The Four Types of Human Behaviour (or, How to Understand Those Who Cannot Be Understood): Erikson, Thomas: Amazon.se: Books. Illustration handla om Var inte en idiotvarningsplatta Realistiskt designvarningsmeddelande. Illustration av annonsering, analytically, uppf - 105518065. Those rumblings gave way to a powerful movement last year, when for 3 Idiots — a movie whose defining comic scene is a rape joke.
Books by Thomas Erikson - Surrounded by idiots
I sometimes wonder where the argument “you can’t generalize” comes from. Isn’t this the most idiotic idea in the world? And it escapes from people’s lips without even a thought of what they are doing or saying. You could be meaning that some people are intimidated by open-carry of firearms in general, and there’s a kernel of truth there, but that seems to be cultural: when my wife and I moved from In general, are people idiots? Just witnessed a load of people wasting a beautiful sunny evening, sitting in their cars queuing at the local petrol station, huge queues.
It's weird how people freak out over silliness. In our fire, it was 20 miles away, and only one freak movement caused our evacuation, a second would have leveled our entire area. Otherwise, I was still planning on our 25th anniversary trip. This explains a lot.